roaring fork reiki rfvreiki healing therapy in carbondale colorado

Roaring Fork Reiki offers natural energy healing services that focus on bringing harmony, restoration, and health to the whole person - mentally, physically, and spiritually.

“Reiki is love,
Love is wholeness,
Wholeness is balance,
Balance is well being.
Well being is freedom from disease.”

~ Dr. Mikao Usui

Reiki Healing Sessions

Standard Session


The Standard Healing Session provides the opportunity to restore balance and harmony to your mind, body, and spirit.

Premium Session


Experience an intensive therapy session delivering profound healing benefits for your overall well-being. Designed to provide you with an extended experience, the Premium Healing Session allows ample time for deep healing to occur. 

Distance Reiki Session


Distance Reiki is a form of energy healing that transcends physical boundaries. Based on the belief that energy knows no limits, it is possible to connect with you energetically, no matter where you are located geographically.

Reiki Master and Healing Therapist serving the Roaring Fork Valley RFV

As a Reiki Master, I provide holistic energy healing and spiritual guidance to promote balance, wellness and relaxation. After many years of not living in alignment with my true self and experiencing multiple injuries and an autoimmune disorder, I decided to follow my passion in spiritual wellness and healing initially by studying plant medicine in Peru, and then yoga and meditation in Oaxaca, Mexico. I began my Reiki certification in 2017, achieved Master Level in 2023, and now I hope to share the same Reiki energy that has had such a profound impact on my life. Come and discover the power of Reiki and experience deep relaxation, balance, and harmony in your life. Let me guide you on your healing journey to create positive energy within. ~Danielle